It is no secret that David Blatt and LeBron James don't get along. They make Axl Rose and Slash look like a couple celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary. LeBron has repeatedly gone out of his way to show Blatt up this season and it reached a crescendo during the Finals. I'm on record as saying that James is acting like a brat and we deserve better from the NBA's best player. This blog isn't about that though, it's about identifying five guys who LeBron would prefer as his new head coach.
1-Jesus Christ- After James gets over the shock of discovering that he is not, in fact, Jesus Christ I feel like this would be a match made in well...heaven. LeBron could finally realize his dream of actually being an entire team. He could literally play one on five with the help of our Lord. The only downside would be when James inevitably claims all the credit for his next NBA title.
2-Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's- This would allow James to make all team decisions while also providing a good role for Mike Miller or whichever corpse LeBron opts to sign to the team's last roster spot. Cleveland would go crazy as LeBron calls his own timeouts and Miller (or maybe Dellevadova) carries the corpse of Bernie out to bring him into the huddle.
3-Gandhi- Who better to take LeBron's repeated criticism and passive aggressive fits than history's most accomplished pacifist? The Mahatma could even mellow out JR Smith to theming where his decision making ability resembles that of a human's. Bonus points go to Gandhi due to his lack of height. LeBron would be strangely drawn to him because he is possibly shorter than current favorite Tyronn Lue.
4-Anyone from Akron- This could literally be anyone from LeBron's hometown. Imagine the story LeBron (aka Lee Jenkins) could write for Sports Illustrated with an all Akron coaching staff! Maybe they would even force all players to relocate to the country's worst city. On second thought, letting JR Smith in Akron would almost certainly end up as an ESPN 30 for 30.
5-DAVID BLATT- Memo to King James: you were just able to drag a historically poor roster to within 2 wins of an NBA title. You may not think Blatt is a basketball genius but at the very least, he didn't screw you up. Why take the risk of bringing a new guy in who might over coach? You don't. Unless you can hire a puppet.....or a corpse.
Hope you've enjoyed this article. Retweets and shares are welcome!
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